Thursday, April 30, 2015


We just love hanging out on the deck.  The second the weather gets nice, out goes the deck furniture!

I think by the smiles....Callie likes being on the deck as well.

Callie has her own deck chair.  What?  You thought a dog would play in the yard and lay on the deck?  Heck no.  Whatever her humans are doing, she wants to do it the exact same way.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Callie and the kitties

Over the past 2 years, Callie has been getting along better with the cats.  At first, she was too sick to pay any attention to them.  As a puppy, she loved chasing them and playing "tag".  Now, she is starting to realize that cats like sleeping even more than she does....and that they can teach her a thing or two about how to nap.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Callie the Snow Bunny

Callie just loves jumping around in the snow.

Once Andrew starts throwing snowballs, her tail starts wagging and she starts bouncing around after the snowballs.

I finally got a video of it, usually I am laughing too hard to keep the camera steady.

Just click the link to watch the video!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Waiting for Dad

Andrew has been working a lot of overtime Callie tends to fall asleep waiting for him.  But boy does she perk up when she hears is car coming down the road!!  From deep sleep to alert in an instant.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Getting back from Florida

When I got back from Florida....Callie just had to show me how she completely tore apart a toy with her can see the fluffy remains on the floor.  Then she jumped up on the couch with the new toy she found in my suitcase.  I sure did miss Callie snuggles when I was gone!! 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Old Pictures

While going though pictures to FINALLY update the blow (since Christmas!!  bad!!) I found these from when Callie was a puppy.