Callie loves sleeping, it is pretty much her favorite thing. Well, her life is filled with only a few things....mainly sleep, play and snuggles...all of which are her favorite thing.
But when she sleeps, she always sleeps with her legs straight out. We call them rigamortis legs. They are locked into the straight position and can not be moved for anything.
Bonus pic....rigamortis legs with snuggled up kitty ball
Callie LOVES that I work from home. She has never been alone for longer than 4 hours in her life....I know, she is very spoiled. But just look at that face, how can you not spoil her? Working from home did however provide a problem....Callie wanted to work with me. To fix this, we made her a doggie window bench out of some plywood and foam (with step so she can jump up and down by herself). Now she can look out the window and "help" me work.
Ask Callie if she wants to go for a car ride and she jumps right in. She really doesn't like the car so much....and she doesn't care where we go....just as long as she is included. Thankfully, this time we were headed to the dog park so the car ride did not disappoint.
This blog was started as a way for my Grandma to view photos of her great-grand dog. She had trouble downloading the multitude of pictures from her email, so I set up a blog that she could simply scroll though. I took a break from the blog when Grandma got sick and couldn't use her computer, and then recently when she passed away I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue with the blog. But today I realized....Callie is just to gosh darn adorable not to share. So I am making this blog public again in hopes that others out there in internet land will find some joy sharing in Callie's life.