Sunday, June 1, 2014

Lake House 5.31.14

It was really hot on we headed on over to the Lake House!!  Callie was thrilled to see Grandma and Grandpa and didn't waste anytime going swimming off of the beach.

We then headed on out with the boat, strapped Callie's life vest on, and in the water she went.

We had never used this set up before....last year, we held Callie on our lap, but that ended with several scratched laps.  This year the genius idea of giving Callie her own toy came up.  Callie took to having her own toy right away.  She was able to stand or sit on her toy, and then when she wanted to swim, she would push off!  

Callie, being the very special dog that she is, LOVES to splash the water.  She thinks it is a fun game when we slash water at her, she tries to catch some in her mouth and chases the waves in the water the splash makes.  

I know, it looks like she is drowning here....but really, she is having a blast.

We even had some neighbors come visit us while we were on the lake....Callie wanted to be sure and say Hi.

Here is Callie climbing on her toy.  All I had to do was push it down into the water a bit and she was able to just swim right onto it.  

See the rope coming off Grandma's floaty toy?  Years ago, it was decided that floating is for relaxing, not for worrying about if you were floating away from the boat so now all floaty toys are tied to the boat with a rope....too lazy to swim back to the boat?  No problem, we can pull you back in with the rope!

Love that life jacket.  Callie is a great swimmer, but being in the middle of the lake, I get nervous that she is not able to go to shore very easily if something were to happen.  And, as a bonus, it has that handy handle on top so when she is ready to go back on the boat, she just has to swim to the ladder and we can pick her up by the handle.

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